Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Inventorying Fish in Northwest Branch

For the next month, the students will participate and learn how to identify and inventory plant and animal species in Northwest Branch Park. By inventorying, they will gain knowledge about the health of the park ecosystem and ways humans hamper or can improve its health. Today, two field biologists from Maryland National Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) taught students the process by which they inventory fish and macroinvertabrates in the park stream. By inventorying both, bioligists can determine the health of the stream. Some macroinvertabrates and fish are tolerant to polluntants in the water while others are not. We inventoried species (White Suckers, Red Breast Sunfish, Black Nose Dace, Tesalated Darter, Blunt Nose Mino, and Spot Tailed Shiner) that are categorized as tolerant and intermediate, meaning they can tolerate some level of pollutants but not at higher amounts or levels. In the coming month, look for additional postings of other species students inventory in the park.

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